Adventures in space and time

Strange Quark

Strange Quark, originally uploaded by virtox.

A stainless steel pendant which folds in on itself with elegant curves, one in a family of six.

Adam Twin-shell

Adam Twin-shell, originally uploaded by virtox.

A cute double sided decorative bowl, available in WSF and Matte Glass.

One in a family of four.

Gyroid Bones

While re-exploring the mathematics playground, more specifically the gyroid formula, I stumbled upon the Gyroid Bone recently. This structure is either the inside or the outside of the gyroid formula, but with a slight offset.

Using a “Marching Cubes” algorithm and a lot of Meshlab filters I created printable meshes for the 3d-printing services at Shapeways. And in an experiment to see what was possible in the Color Sandstone material they offer, I uploaded a “double gyroid bone” with a double texture map. This object is printed as two mingled but separate parts.

And the result is quite stunning :

You can customize and buy this object in Virtox’s Shapeways Shop.

Thank you for reading and watching !